My little son again :). Have a wonderful rest of weekend I used the wordarts and overalys from my upcoming new collection. ...
She´si feeling better now after yestreday´s adenoid surgery - my brave little girl. I can´t believe that she was under total anaesthesia yestreday. She is soo sweet, but tired too. I´m so proud of you. ...
My little angel is sleeping after the surgery with adenoids and ears. It is so sad to see her now ... And my son is ill too (he was health one week). Unfortunately we haveto separated them for a few next days because the daughter shouldn´t return from the hospital into an infectious home. I wish to have two bodies:). Some picture which...
Some new today´s photos .... ...
We have had spring here today. The weather was beautiful and we enjoy our walk before two weeks at home (my little sunshine will be in hospital). ...